Intranet That Grows With You – hubley Green Updates

What is hubley Green?

hubley Green is an intranet designed to evolve based on user feedback and industry innovation, resulting in an intranet with growing capabilities that also save you money. hubley green and its features scale with your business and its teams. Additionally, with each hubley Green quarterly release, we provide in-depth and comprehensive training sessions that teach you how to make the most of your shiny new intranet.

With our most recent updates from Q3, hubley Green has once again transformed how employees interact.

What Are the Major Q3 Updates?

hubley is transforming what your intranet can do. From our new employee app to profile targeting updates, hubley green has grown to ensure our users and their intranets achieve business goals. Those who want these latest custom intranet features should schedule a hubley demo to see them in action!

hubley Employee App

This quarter we are introducing the hubley employee app! Just like your hubley intranet, your hubley employee app is highly flexible to meet your mobile needs. Manage all your content centrally in your intranet. Provide access to your whole intranet or limit mobile access to select features. It’s up to you!

The hubley employee app highlights the most important content for your users like:

  • Homepage
    • Create a unique homepage as part of the hubley employee app experience
    • Configure your mobile homepage for quick and easy access to everything users need on the go, like:
      • Alerts
      • Important Company Events
      • Quick Links
      • Employee Celebrations
      • Polls, Surveys, and More!
  • News
    • In the news tab of your hubley employee app, all users can like, comment, and read through news articles from your intranet.
    • Users can filter results based on a wide range of topics or search by keywords for relevant information.
  • StaffHub Directory
    • You can find all your colleagues in your staff directory, also known as StaffHub.
    • You can search by first name or last name to find a particular user. Find the user you’re looking for and expand their contact information to call, chat, or email them
  • Notifications
    • Send push notifications to highlight important announcements directly from the employee app itself
    • Lead users to complete important actions through color-coded notifications with hyperlinks
  • Menu
    • Create a completely unique experience with custom app navigation options
      • Update the pop-out “hamburger menu” (the three-layered icon resembles a hamburger) and bottom tabs to fit your organization’s quick access needs

Accordion (FAQs) Webpart

We designed the Accordion webpart (FAQs) to provide a place for users with common questions to receive answers.

This quarter the accordion webpart got a new look! Choose from either a compact or expanded visual.

The Accordion webpart, along with the Contacts webpart, have also been updated to make content management much easier. These webparts now have custom forms that make adding and updating their information a breeze!

Content Targeting

Your Profile Targeting just got a whole lot easier!

Navigate to your hubley ‘h’ to find the button for Profile Targeting. You can now update your existing profile target with ease.

Resource Links

Want to change up the look of your Resource Links? We’re way ahead of you! Now choose from a list, button, or tile view.

Choose your Display Type in the webpart settings form to give this webpart a new look and feel.

How Can You Get These New Features?

With the latest additions, hubley’s custom intranet is better than ever. Our world-class intranet features will give you the most for your money.

Customers can manually update their environments when ready or contact hubley Support to do it for them. hubley’s support staff is available to help new and existing customers through the transition process.

Take Advantage of hubley’s New Features

Are you a current hubley Green user or still considering the service? With hubley Green’s Q3 updates, we’ve once again transformed how companies use their intranets. hubley Green is constantly adding new features and capabilities. We’ll work to truly understand your vision to help achieve your intranet goals.

Our quarterly training sessions will give you the support you need to evolve with us. We’ll teach you how to make the most out of your intranet to save money on your deployment.

At hubley, we keep our ideas fresh so that the rapid pace of technology won’t leave you behind. hubley Green’s intranet solutions provide innovation you can trust no matter how much your organization changes. Contact us today to schedule your demo!

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