An Intranet Built
With State and Local
Governments In Mind

The right SharePoint-based intranet simplifies working
together across state and local government agencies.
A robust intranet platform improves efficiency and
increases positive impact on the community.

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A Secure and Compliant Space To Collaborate

Collaboration is at the heart of every government organization. Streamline sharing documents, project information, and personnel files with the right intranet. hubley provides a secure space that complies with all major regulatory standards.

Enhanced Communication and Engagement

hubley offers tools that make collaboration and employee engagement easier. Users can collaborate, communicate, and share documents via tools in the Microsoft 365 suite.

More Connections Using Government-Wide Directories

The hubley staff directory contains information broken down by departments, teams, and other units. Every government employee on your intranet can connect using this feature. hubley makes finding the right person easy, even in a large government entity.

Example Financial Intranet on mobile device
Manage Internal Policies With PolicyHub

Maintain policy organization with hubley’s PolicyHub. Track and ensure that all team members have reviewed and acknowledged relevant policies. This keeps everyone on the same page organization-wide which policy creators love. With the PolicyHub+ back-end companion, create, update, send reminders and intuitively manage policies.

Ensure Easy Access to External Informationand Resources

Quickly access external information with resource links. hubley provides government employees with a central location for access, information, and collaboration.

Keep Team Members in the Know With Alerts

Pushing information to employees helps achieve a more informed government organization. With hubley, alerts ensure that every employee sees the latest updates, news, and reminders.

Customize Your Intranet Experience

Implement logos, colors, and other marks of your state or local government. It is easy to brand your hubley intranet with city or state colors and logos to achieve a one-of-a-kind intranet experience,

Custom Layouts
Use one of the many SharePoint templates to make setup easy. Organize your intranet layout by government branches, departments, or teams.

Client Testimonials

"Overall, I have very much enjoyed working with all of the employees behind the hubley product. This solution makes using the SharePoint product much more manageable."

Kristen Edson, East Baton Rouge Parish Library (EBRPL)

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Frequently Asked Questions

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