Drive Employee
Engagement with a
SharePoint Intranet Solution
Investing in employee engagement can help to improve morale,
increase employee retention, and enhance productivity.
Engaging employees is more challenging than ever for
organizations with remote employees or several office
locations. hubley offers features that can help you maximize your team's engagement.

hubley Intranet Features for Employee Engagement
Engagement is at the heart of every organization's long-term success. hubley makes it simple for users to align with the company’s mission and goals. Employees will enhance company culture through interaction with the brand and other users.

Shout out employees with anniversaries! With hubley, you can automatically track anniversaries and celebrate with the whole team.

Celebrate team birthdays and build a sense of community. Birthday wishes are an important team ritual.

Highlight special moments in team members' lives. This is a great way to recognize anything from retirement to welcoming a new team member.

Get To Know
In mid-to large-size teams, it isn't easy to know everyone. The Get To Know feature on hubley lets team members share some facts about themselves so others can learn more about them.

My Events
Team events are the perfect way to grow and bond. hubley’s personalized My Events feature helps users track their event registrations and see all upcoming company events.

My Following
In the MyHub section, you can keep track of SharePoint sites you follow and other bookmarked content —an excellent way for team members to stay up to date with their teams and projects.

My Links
Save and organize links to various resources that you use often. These can be both internal and external to your intranet.

New Hires
When someone comes on board, you want to introduce them to the team as quickly as possible. This automatic list of new hires helps to let everyone know about the latest additions to the team.

RSS Feed
Staying up to date on the latest information from your most crucial internal and external resources is challenging. With the continually updating RSS feed, it is easier for your team to stay on top of it all.

Social Hub
Social media plays an important role in modern life, even for brands. With the hubley Social Hub, you can share your social media presence with your team members on one feed.

When someone achieves something noteworthy, it is great to shine a spotlight on them. This feature is perfect for highlighting those in your team who are going above and beyond.

Whether you want to share funny videos or information training resources, this feature can make your intranet more engaging. It supports Vimeo, YouTube and Stream.
Engage For Success: Keep Employees Involved
Enhance your company culture and keep employees engaged
to ensure efficiency and productivity.
Employers who invest in employee engagement experience increased employee retention, productivity, and quality of work. hubley’s solutions blend employee engagement and wellness together to maintain a company culture where every employee feels like they’re truly part of the team.

Employees can stay engaged with their team members with a series of features made just for them: photos, polls, comments, peer praise, celebrations, and likes are all part of PeopleHub’s collection of features.

Understanding the company's organization and reporting structure can help your team members find the right people to work with on projects. An org chart with contact cards provides a visual map of the whole organization or a single department.

Peer Praise
Praise is an important element of building an engaging, collaborative culture. Let your team sing each other's praises on hubley.

Photo Feed
Visual engagement can help to make your intranet more exciting and inviting. The photo feed feature is a great way for your team to share everything they have been up to.

Analytics Configuration
hubley analytics tools help you identify metrics such as which content receives the most views, how often each resource is used and what the follow-up actions are.
By delving into hubley’s customizable analytics reports, you can learn how effective your intranet content is. In turn, stay informed of how your intranet is used to dramatically increase engagement.
Client Testimonials

“Our hubley experience has been great! A vast improvement over our old intranet, as it is much more user-friendly, and the look is much fresher and more modern.”
Denise Statz, Learning and Development Coordinator, SVA Certified Public Accountants
Increasing Engagement With a SharePoint Intranet Solution
hubley intranet is highly customizable and configurable. Give each department their own SharePoint intranet in a box.